Friday, February 15, 2008


February 15, 2008
Greetings to the Frozen Chosen (says Doug)!
As we write this it is Friday and the entire team is finally together after many flight delays. The Northbrook team arrived late last night and have quite the traveling story to tell which I will leave to them. We have been a little stretched too, having no luggage for our first two days ministering at the Eagles Wing School not to mention fresh clothes to wear. Patty really had to adjust her game plan but found out that God had everything under control. The school has been greatly blessed since Bill and I were there 18 months ago. They have built two new classrooms and are prepping and praying for the next addition. Also the teachers now receive wages and the number of children has grown from 42 to 106…Praise the Lord!
I am sorry to have caused you worry since it has taken so long to get our first blog from ZA sent. The internet connections are not 100% available as I intended to send this Thursday eve but could not get a connection.
Okay, you will have to excuse me if I am rambling but suddenly found myself very tired and David is beside me talking while exercising. Today we went back to Eagles Wings School just in time for their recess. Boy what a rowdy time that proved to be as the children were quite excited to see us return. The joy of these children blessed our hearts beyond measure! They enjoyed singing with us and making a Valentine. It was sad leaving them but we must get lunch and retrieve the luggage holding the crafts and candy before the next engagement. Ross, Keith, and Bill went back to the lodge to prepare for tonight’s message to the teens at Red Hill and greet Terry, Megan, and Lee. David, Patty, Doug, and I traveled to where Doug will be preaching this Sunday to do Children’s afterschool ministry. The church is located in the center of a very large squatter camp and founded by a Godly man who felt compelled to help these people. He started out feeding them soup suppers that grew into feeding them God’s holy word. His story is quite touching and I am sure if you ask Doug he will do a better job telling you more. The children were very good listeners while Patty told the story of King Josiah and gave them the salvation message. Then we divided them into groups-Doug took the youngest children which were very excited to play a ball-tossing game and then decorate a foam cross with letters and shapes. I had the next age group and was able to have them spell out Jesus on their crosses while we talked about all the things that He does for us. And Patty enjoyed making beaded jewelry with the older girls and a few boys. All in all, it was a safe place for them to be and prayfully seeds were planted in their hearts. Driving out of the squatter camp was a visual experience with a flurry of activity all around us and even right in front of us. Women scrubbing and hanging clothes up to dry, others cooking food on huge open containers holding fire, endless dogs barking and roaming the streets, barbershops in shipping containers, boys playing soccer, and God watching over all of them. Much to our dismay we even saw a huge pig that had been beheaded laying right there, insides still pink.
A lot to take in and a lot to pray about.
Well, hopefully I will get the chance to post again soon.
Until then, be blessed.
Kim, for the team

We hope to have photos tomorrow.

1 comment:

a2n0d0r7ew said...

It is great to here the blessings that happened with the youth. Also I am very proud of both my mother and father for doing such good work, as well as the rest of the team for doing such a great job.